As a creativity coach, Ruth is passionate about nurturing screen talent. She is a regular guest lecturer at The Lir Academy, IADT and Bow Street in Dublin and at Queens University in Belfast and has mentored for the US based Stowe Storylabs.

Ruth works with screen storytellers of all ages and stages who wish to expand their ability to express themselves and their ideas – storytellers who recognise that the source of their ideas and the confidence to express them is intimately linked to their relationship with their creativity.

Ruth’s creative coaching work is built on the premise that many screen storytellers are trying to connect with a deep wellspring of creative energy, energy that can become blocked by past creative wounding. As a result this highly sensitive and vulnerable part of us can feel shut down or inaccessible. Ruth has developed tools and supports to help people who are ready to embrace this challenging but ultimately liberating relationship with their creative self and the screen stories they want to tell.

In conjunction with her mentoring and teaching work, Ruth co-founded Aligning With Flow  to run creativity workshops and retreats with Joan Davis and Grainne Bennett. They have been supported by Screen Ireland and Cultural and Creative Industries Ireland, Skillnet.